Thursday, November 29, 2007

Long time, no post

I figured that if I was going to blow off NaBloPoMo, I might as well not post for more than one day. It was incredibly easy not posting, but I can't do it forever, so here it is, the long post.

Pues me canse de escribir tan seguido, despues de un rato se acaba la inspiracion. Asi que ahi le va el resumen:

Here's a recap:

We had a really nice thanksgiving. In Mexico Thanksgiving is not a Holiday, so for us, it would had been like any other day, thankfully, one of DH fellow resident took pity on us and invited us to dinner. Everything was delicious and we had a really good time.

Celebramos el Dia de Accion de Gracias con un compañero de Robe, se apiado de nosotros y nos invito a cenar a su casa. Su esposa cocino el pavo y toda la cosa. Cenamos riquisimo y la pasamos muy bien.

On Friday I went shopping. I bought some things that my sister asked me to and some things for me, pants and memory cards for the camera. It wasn't as crowed as I thought it would be.

El dia despues de Thanksgiving es famoso por sus ofertas. Yo acabe iendo a comprar unos encargos de mi hermana y unas cosas para mi. La verdad yo esperaba qeu hubiera mas gente, pero no, todo estuvo tranquilo.

Later on Friday we had some friends over. Remember Ambica and Mike? along with CL and Ed (from Illinois), visited us. It was so nice seeing them again! We had dinner at a Red Sea, which serves ethiopian food, a first for me. It was really good!. After that we had a beer at Town Hall Brewery, we sat near the fireplace and had a really good time. The Masala Mama was a little too bitter for me, but after a while you don't notice anymore ;-)

El mismo viernes por la noche vinieron a visitarnos unos amigos de Bloomington, bueno, los conocimos ahi, pero ya todos viven en otros lados. La pasamos muy bien, fuimos a cenar comida etiopie y a hecharnos unas cervezas. Eso es algo que me gusta de aqui, puedes encontrar un restaurante para todo tipo de comidas!
El sabado se regresaron y nos quedamos flojeando todo el domingo.

On saturday we had Indian food and went grocery shopping. We had a really good time, it was nice seeing them after so long.

Most of the "Usual suspects"

I'm still knitting, not necessarily what's on my list. I finished another koolhaas. It came out a little bit smaller, I used the same yarn as before (Lion Brand's Wool-Ease in Blue Mist) on smaller needles (my mistake). I like it, it's warm, fast and easy, while looking very-hard-to-knit.

Here's a picture (ignore the pajamas)

I'll keep knitting and counting my blessings.

Sigo tejiendo, no lo que deberia (me faltan todavia regalos), peor al menos sigo con la viada. Termine otro gorro Koolhaas, mismo estambre, mismo patron, diferentes agujas y por lo tanto mas chico, peor no importa. este patron me gusta porque es facil, pero se ve como que es muy complicado.
Por lo pronto seguire tejiendo y dando gracias a Dios por todas nuestras bendiciones.


jazibe said...

hasta que! ya nos habias olvidado!
That koolhas looks great! (hint hint...) hehe

Batty said...

Ethiopian, that sounds good! I think I saw an Ethiopian restaurant somewhere around here, I'll have to go check it out.

Koolhaas looks fabulous. It's on my must knit list. I actually like hats that are a little tight, they keep the ears warm.

Rosa Iris said...

Te saludo desde uruguay. Llegue ati, buscando el patron de estos hermosos gorros koolhaas, que pido si no es mucha molestia me puedes pasar el patron en español.
Te dejo un saludo de felicidades para estas fiestas. Mi blog es sueños, agujas y colores.

Karla said...

Hola son casi las mismas fechas del año ke publicaste en tu blog. Ando en busca del patron de Koolhaas, vivo en Tamaulipas, Mexico y no se como adquirirlo, puedes asesorarme! gracias :D
Mi correo es