They're done! After I don't know how many months (more than 12 for sure!), my first pair of socks are finally done. They're not that bad for a first pair of socks, they fit and are wearable. I gotta say, I finished them out of conviction, more than love of knitting socks... I didn't catch the sock-knitting-bug. I'll try once more (it wasn't that bad) with a more "festive" yarn that will keep me awake...maybe a different pattern. I definitely loved the fact that they were toe-up and knitted two on 2 circulars. I liked the "after-thought" heel. I didn't like that they ended up too pointy and that the ribbing took FOREVER! I used knit picks Two at once toe-up socks pattern and Essential yarn.
Heel close-up
Por fin los termine! Mi primer par de calcetines. Hace mas de un año que empece a tejerlos y hasta ayer los termine. La verdad no me gusto mucho tejer calcetines, estos los acabe mas por conviccion propia que gusto, pero ya que los veo acabados, no salieron tan mal! Yo creo lo voy a volver a intentar con diferente estambre y a lo mejor un patron diferente. Me gusto que se empiezan en la punta, que se tejen dos al mismo tiempo en 2 agujas circulares y el talon es muy facil. No me gusto que acabaron quedando un poco puntiagudos y el punto elastico no mas no se acababa!
And now another first...
This is my first Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern (and my first post in Zimmermania!) I made the hat form Knitting Workshop. This is my first color work and I like the way in tourned out. It wasn't as hard as I thought, I just need to remember to knit loosely. I liked the instructions, but I feel I need to keep notes for when I want to used the same pattern (instructions are buried within the text). I didn't follow the pattern exactly (who can?), but I feel it lays a pretty good foundation for future hats. I think I'm hooked!
Now, If I can only make the back look as good as the front...any suggestions?
Este dia ha sido de "primeros" aparte de mi primer par de calcetines, tambien acabe el primer proyecto diseñado por Elizabeth Zimmermann. Este es el gorro de Knitting Workshop, es el primer tejido que hago incorporando diferentes colores de estambre. Si tejes y nunca has oido hablar de EZ, googoleala! Vale la pena, ella mas que darte un patron de como tejer algo, te explica y te da rienda suelta para que tu lo modifiques. Esta resulto una buena "receta" que estoy segura volvere a usar. Lo unico que no me gusto fue que como esta tejido en circular, el diseño no esta alineado, sabes como solucionarlo?
I've never seen a heel like that! I need to go find out the details! It's not the knitting part of socks that I love -- it's the wearing part....
nice socks, lady! :)
keep on knittin'
hola abril,
So glad that you are knitting again! The socks will keep you toasty warm on your first Great Lakes winter! Love You
Oooooh. You just wait until that sock bug really bites. The socks look great! Warm and lovely.
I've never tried toe-up, but perhaps I shall.
Start thinking about joining a sock-of-the-month club.
Love love love the hat and color combo. I just finished my first, as well.
Great job on the socks! I also like the heel. FYI, as I was reading my 5-year-old daughter looked over at the screen and said, "she did a nice job on everything".
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