Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Bobbi Bear

Isn't he cute? I love it. It was a somewhat easy knit, there were times when I got lost in the pattern, but it was easy enough to take it on a plane with me.This is the pattern and I got it through a swap on Knitty, thanks Jeannie!

I also have the "regular" size Bobbi Bear pattern, one of these days I'll knit that one too.

Lets see... I used some worsted wool, no label and probably from a thrift store. I had some leftover yarn (I'm thinking cupcakes) and used 2 circular needles to knit it. The tie is some yellow ribbon the I had. I felt that it looked "naked", the tie doesn't cover that much, but you get the point.

I looked online for a picture of what the back was supposed to look like, but I couldn't find one, so in the spirit of sharing, here's a tush shot, nice, eh?

I other news, my sister is coming to visit me, yey!! I'm soo excited!! I'm already making lists of things we can do, things to bake and places to visit. We're moving to a different (cheaper) apartment around the time she's here, so it'll be a great help ;-)

I might have another FO for next post, I hope.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yarn Harlot

No se si se han fijado, pero en los link que hay en la barra de la derecha esta este . Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka The Yarn Harlot) es una escritora de "humor tejeril" (?) escribe libros acerca de las personas que tejen, por las cosas que pasan y porque el mundo no nos comprende, todo con mucho humor.

Ahorita anda promocionando su mas reciente libro Things I learned from Knitting (Whether I wanted to on not).

A mi me encanta leer su blog, asi que cuando supe que venia para aca me apunte para ir a verla! Bueno, la verdad es que no me apunte inmediatamente y para cuando hable ya se habian agotado los boletos, repartieron 600 boletos gratis. Yo ya me habia resignado a no ir, pero en Raverly encontre uno.

Me la pase muy padre, lo unico malo de toda la noche fue el clima, estaba nevando y haciendo mucho viento, y aun asi hubo mucha gente.

The yarnery fue la tienda que organizo el evento. Tuvieron que reservar el auditorio de una universidad para que cupieramos todos.

Unos empelados de la tienda fueron los que abrieron el show. Cantaron unas canciones del musical Sound of Music pero todas las letras tenian que ver con la Harlot, tejidos, patrones, estambres y demas! muy divertido. Aqui esta el link a los videos Parte 1, Parte 2, parte 3 y Parte 4

Aqui estoy con Sarah, ella fue la que me dio su boleto extra, GRACIAS!
Mientras esperabamos para que nos firmara el libro se estuvieron rifando regalos. Yo me saque una bola de estambre y un libro de patrones.

Y aqui estoy con Stephanie, que tenemos en las manos? Ella esta sosteniendo mi calcetin y yo el suyo. Ahora voy a tener que terminar ese par de calcetines, jejejeje.
Para cuando llegue a que me firmara el libro ya era un poco tarde y la verdad pobre mujer! no se como le hace. Se porto muy agradable. Se me paso mencionarle mi primer par de calcetines, a lo mejor hubiera salido en su recuento del evento, en fin, sera para la proxima.


The Yarn Harlot! I guess everyone that knits is a bit familiar with Stephanie aka The Yarn Harlot, right? Well, I had the chance of going to her book presentation and it was sooo fun!!!
I got my ticket (which were free) thanks to Sarah, who I met through
The Yarnery organized the event and it was amazing. The Yarnery family singers did a great job of warming up the crowd.

I got to meet Sarah, who I met through Ravelry and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't had attended (she gave me her extra ticket), thanks Sarah!

I had so much fun! Stephanie was funny and witty. I forgot to mention that I was wearing my first pair of socks, maybe I would have made it into her blog.
I started a pair of socks on straight needles, and on the picture shes holding them and I'm holding her traveling sock.
If I could have a "do over" I would bring her a washcloth or a beer, but that will be next time ;-)