Se acuerdan de ese comercial de la Profeco que decia "regale afecto no lo compre"? Bueno pues eso hemos decidido para esta navidad. En este caso vamos a demostrar nuestro afecto regalando cosas tejidas por mi, la cosa es que solo puedo usar estambre que ya tengo en mi stash. De ahi el titulo del post, porque debo de estar LOCA para pensar que voy a lograrlo!
I'm calling it LOCAPALOOZA, yeah that's right, I must be loca to think that I'm gonna actually finish before Dec 24th 2007 (notice the year, there's no way around the date) without buying new yarn!
I'll probably post a little about the Christmas projects, but not a lot, because sister #2 and other family members read it. I'll definitely post progress on Ravelry.
Right now I can say that I have already cast on for the first of many many many ... Oh my God! I need to make a list. Maybe it's Locapalooza because I'll end up all crazy.
Como algunas de las personas en mi lista leen este blog, no voy a poder poner fotos de las cosas que vaya tejiendo, pero si tienes una cuenta en Ravelry ahi los vas a encontrar. Por lo pronto ya empece ( y casi acabo) uno, YEY! Uno menos de...Cielos! tengo que hacer una lista para planear bien los projectos.
Anyways, I'm about half way done with the first of many (lets' not go there again) projects.
And speaking of projects, here's a picture of my mom's birthday present
"House slippers " from Knit 2 Together. I used some recycled yarn from a thrift store sweater. I'll probably make some more. They were done in an evening, but it took longer for me to felt them. As you can see, the orange yarn was so bulky that it didn't felt that much, but I still like them and my mom will probably will too.
Estas pantunflas las teji como regalo de cumpleaños. El patron esta en este libro. El estambre esta "reciclado" de unos sweaters. El proximo post voy a documentar como es que lo reciclo. Los colores estan medio chillantes, pero yo creo le van a gustar a mi mama.
This came in the mail Saturday
It's the new book by Veronik Avery. I liked it, but probably wouldn't had bought it if it wasn't for the letter that I got from Crafter's Choice telling me that either, I pick a book to fulfill my commitment or they would charge my account the average price of a book without me actually getting one.
El Sabado me llego este libro por correo "Knitting Classic Style" por Veronik Avery. Las fotos estan bonitas y hay cosas interesantes, pero no creo que lo hubiera comprado de no haber sido porque la compañia de libros no me dejo otra opcion, en fin! Ahora voy a tener que tejer algo para que valga la pena haberlo comprado. Estos son los proyectos que mas me llamaron la atencion:
These are the projects that I liked
I want to make Robe either this or EZ's Ribwarmer
Tengo rato queriendo tejerle a mi esposo un chaleco, yo creo va a ser este o el "Rib Warmer" de Elizabeth Zimmermann.
I don't like knitting socks, or at least not yet. I liked the pattern because I have a pair of these
Estos calcetines me gustaron porque tiene los dedos separados y yo tengo un par de "Air Rift" que estan igual. Por cierto, los tenis son super comodos y eso que a mi no me gustaban ese tipo de chanclas.
Maybe for Robe?
I'll definetly make at least a pair for Locapalooza!
Yo creo que voy hacer unos de estos para regalar en Navidad.
I like how this is constructed and I like black.
Esta blusa me gusto porque se me figura que te ha de hacer ver mas esbelta, no crees?
That's it for today. I'll keep you updated on Locapalooza!
Los mantendre al tanto de como se van deteriorando mis facultades mentales ;-)
I like the felted slippers, and the socks, and the head-band-thingie (whatever that is called), and , and.... whatever you knit for me, I will treasure. Thanks!
ah, tambien necesito un gorro!
Great slippers, and I love that book!
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