Relaxing in the balcony
As promised in my last post, I'm going to post pictures of a very funny cat.His name is Quincy and he lives here.
For our anniversary, my husband surprised me with a weekend trip (it was actually in July, but I'm a little behind posting). He booked a B & B and did all the research (I'm so lucky!). I'm gonna be honest, the idea of staying in someone's home was a little bit creepy, but at the end I was very happy with his decision and we had a lot of fun. That is just one of the reasons that I love him so much...
When we parked in front of the house, Quincy was there to greet us
Noticed anything different?
At first I thought the cat was sick, but I couldn't stop petting him because he was so friendly ;-)
Myriam, the owner, said it's called a "lion's haircut", I thought it was very funny! I really hope they let his fur grow for the winter.