(en Español aqui)
I didn't realize it had been such a long time since my last post! A lot has happen since then:
- Finished another quarter at school. Actually, my month long break is almost over :-(
Final project for Artisan Breads class. The theme was "movies". The whole thing is made out of live and dead dough
- Some news I'm not at liberty to disclose, but might be soon posted here. Very exciting!
- My sister came to visit. She stayed here for about 3 weeks and then we traveled together to Mexico to visit. It was such a treat to have them here (brother in law arrived 2 weeks later). We both had lists of all the things we wanted to do together (crafts, cooking, shopping), but we didn't have enough time to do them all. The hectic last weeks of school and the move to a new apartment made for a crazy schedule. We still had a chance to do some fun things
Sis and brother in law observing Rembrandt's Lucretia
New bear exhibit at the Minnesota Zoo
Beautiful Minnehaha falls
- We had a Usual Suspects reunion. I met this group of friends through my sister and we used to hang out a lot together while we all lived in Bloomington, IN. then everybody moved and we ended up all scattered around the world. It was really fun to hang out again with all of them, just like old times. We still missed Kate and Gera. Thanks for visiting guys!
Everybody soaking the sun at the Sculpture Garden
- We moved to a new apartment. I left town 2 days after the move, so I'm still unpacking and trying to get my stash organized. Next post I'll show you some of the things I have on my needles.
- Meanwhile I managed to finish some knitting!
I knitted Gera some poop for his birthday! I got the idea here. It was very easy and it looks like it was a hit! I used some Nashua yarn that I had left over from another project (which I just realized I haven't post it)
Mi tia Yaya asked me if I could make her a mañanita, I looked around and it turns out it's just like a poncho or caplet. She lives in Arizona, so she wanted something light and definitely not wool. The pattern is Eudora from the book Viva Poncho. I used Red Heart Soft Solids and 9 US needles. I liked the pattern it was very intuitive and it gets smaller (and faster!) as you progress because it's knitted from the bottom up. My fear was that it was too small. My aunt loved it and it look like it was the right size. (Jazy said that it looked like Batman's grandmother cape, he he he, funny).
I used some wood vintage buttons that I had. I crocheted a little loop on one of the sides.
The yarn harlot socks are finally done! I sewed them up on the plane (with a plastic needle) and gave them to my mom as a late Mother's day present. It was funny because it was so hot in Juarez (while I was there it was over 100F) that the last thing you could want is a pair of wool socks, but I know she'll wear them to bed during the winter.
Again, I was worried about the fit. I used needles 2 size larger to bind off and make a stretchier top. In real life they're not as tight as in the picture. The pattern is Sox on 2 stix and I used Woll Service Super 7 yarn, a superwash wool (i can't find a link) on 6US needles. I liked the pattern, but next time I need to keep better track of the rows, because I ended up with a bottom longer that the top.
A friend of mine had twins and I wanted to make some cute little hats. Long story short, the babies were already 2 weeks old when I met them and it turns out that they weren't as tiny as expected (for twins). To make things worst I could only finish one hat and it didn't fit. Oh well, there's always winter, right?
The pattern is from Pipi Knits stockings, peaches and cream cotton yarn and 6US needles (2 circulars because I fear of DPN's)
I hope I get my posting rhythm back (like I had one!) and soon I can show you some things I've been knitting.
Thanks for reading!
Pues vaya que si me trade en escribir algo esta vez, no? y para acabarla de amolar mi traduccion al español es mas simple, asi que mil disculpas por eso.
En estos dos meses que no he escrito nada han pasado varias cosas, unas si las puedo contar y otras todavia no.
Acabe mi segundo tetramestre en la escuela y ya mero empiezo el tercero. Como trabajo final de la clase de panes artesanales hicimos una escultura de pan (foto). El tema fue "El Cine". A mi me encanto, aunque si le hubiera cambiado unas cosas.
Mi hermana Jazy y su esposo nos vinieron a visitar. Jazy se quedo con nosotros 3 semanas y luego nos fuimos todos junto a Juarez . Me la pase tan padre con ella! No hicimos muchas de las cosas que queriamos hacer, como coser, enseñarle a tejer, pintar unas cosas y demas. Pero si alcanzamos a visitar museos, parques y el zoologico. Mientras ella estaba aca, tambien vinieron a visitarnos otros amigos, tuvimos una reunion (aunque faltaron Kate y Gera). Me diverti montones!
Nos mudamos de apartamento y todavia estoy tratando de ordenar y desempacar cajas. La cosa es que en vez de purgar y empacar yo empaque y ahora estoy viendo que me traje cosas que no necesito, quiero o uso. En fin!
Que es un blog de tejidos sin fotos de tejidos? no se, pero ha de ser muy aburrido ;-)
He aqui lo que he hecho:
Le tejia mi tia Yaya una Mañanita. El patron se llama Eudora y esta en el libro Viva Poncho. Use estambre acrilico porque mi tia queria algo lijero y facil de cuidar. El unico pendiente que tenia es que no le quedara, pero al parecer ya se la midio y si le queda (digo al parecer porque se la mande con mis papas que fueron a visitarla). Cuando me manden las fotos yo se las enseño.
A Gera para su cumpelaños le teji una caquita, jejejeje, agarre la inspiracion de aqui y al parecer le encanto!
Los calcetines que empece cuando fui a ver a la Yarn Harlot ya estan terminados! Los acabe mientras iva en el avion, ya nada mas faltaba cerrar las costuras y use una aguja de plastico para no tener problemas con seguridad. Se los regale a mi mama. Yo se que no les va adar mucho uso en Juarez durante el verano, pero una vez que llegue el invierno no se los va a quitar ni para dormir! Use un estambre de lana lavable y el patron de Knitty.
Y por ultimo mi amiga Adriana tuvo gemelos! Yo le queria tejer algo a los bebes, pero entre calcular mal la talla del gorro (solo alcance a tejer uno) y el hecho de que no nacieron tan pequeños (5 kilos entre los 2) y que los conoci a las dos semanas de nacido, no les quedaron! Bueno mas bien no le quedo el gorro a ninguno de los dos, solo a scully. Ya sera para la proxima, no? Este es el patron que use con estambre de algodon.
Para la proxima les muestro lo que ahorita estoy tejiendo.
Gracias por leer el blog!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
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